RI happened on May 11, 2019. This trip was a fantastic weekend getaway. My friend Elliott met me at the airport to start exploring lighthouses, markets, seafood, beaches, and sunsets.
We started our adventuring by visiting the Castle Hill Lighthouse. Little did we know that there was a wedding going on the day we visited so we were able to see a cute little wedding while snagging our pics of the quaint lighthouse. The ocean surrounded this lighthouse with heavy waves crashing into the banks around the structure. We spent a solid hour here taking in the beauty of Rhode Island.
Our next stop was going to be a ferry ride to another island, but we missed the cut off so we decided to go to a wharf market where we had dinner by the ocean. I had the fresh fish of the day! Later on we explored the market and got ice cream while walking on the dock. We finished the day by watching the sunset in Providence on the beach. For a late night snack we had to get a lobster roll at a local restaurant.
What a great trip.